When you have your health ...
Your physical well-being is affected by all aspects of your life ... your thoughts, your feelings, your nutrition, your exercise.
I feel tired, I have to ask myself "Am I physically tired, or
emotionally tired?" The solutions for each are different – and of
course the solutions are different for each individual.
I have
been gratefully involved for over 25 years with "alternative health"
practices, including chiropractic, nutritional supplements, homeopathy,
herbal remedies, and many more.
I also recognize that CLEAR INTENT for HEALTH is an excellent starting point for dealing with any health
issue. Working through the emotional baggage that may cloud my intent
for health – or which may contribute to lack of health - is part of my
health routine. When my intent is clear ... more support "shows up".
Our health and immune system
faces many external challenges ... from parasites, fungi (such as
candida), pathogenic viruses, and infectious bacteria to damage from
toxic heavy metals and radiation. Supporting our immune system is
absolutely essential to our quality-of-life.
Many of us face health and weight issues due to food choices. There is excellent material now which explains the
different "body types" or "metabolic types". We have learned that one
person's healthy diet is another person's source of problems. Also,
there is growing awareness that food sensitivities create reactions in
the body which can be disguised as weight gain, arthritis, skin
conditions, tiredness, intestinal disorders, etc.
I am grateful to Caroline Sutherland
for inspiring me to finally lose the extra 24 pounds that I was
carrying. It took 5 months, I was never hungry, and I have kept it off.
Her plan for me included:
- An appropriate eating plan for my body
- Clearing my issues with Candida
- Reduction of carbohydrates to 60 grams per day
- An exercise and muscle-building program
And, of course, I also worked to clear the emotional baggage that contributed to my weight gain.
I'm happy to share information and resources I've found useful. Visit our Resources section.
Become aware of how to nourish your authentic and individual self. It makes life easier.
In a consultation,
I can help you identify your body type information using several
systems, and offer recommendations on appropriate food choices.
Bon Appetit – et Bon Sante!