You've known that you are a unique individual... Now learn how to nurish your unique self.

What does it take?
A clear intention for health... water and air... loving hugs... eating right for your type... increasing muscle... aerobic activity... proper supplements.

Body Types

Caroline SutherlandDr. Elliot Abravanel William Wolcott & Trish Fahey
The Body KnowsBody Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan Metabolic Typing Diet

With slight differences, these three systems provide a fairly consistent framework. Each acknowledges that some people do better with more animal protein, low carbohydrates, others with more vegetables and less animal protein.

All these systems recognize the role of food sensitivity, especially with grains and dairy products. Also, the need to dramatically reduce sugar, refined carbohydrates, soft drinks, and fruit juices to prevent degenerative disease and diabetes.

Dr. Mercola, an advocate for the Metabolic Typing Diet, has written The No-Grain Diet, providing an easy to read explanation on how grains may be at the root of excess weight and diabetes. He also offers the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for dealing with food addictions.