Creating a harmony between who you are ... and what you have around you... with color ...that's using your color edge

Your Color Palette

For a lifetime tool that supports your authentic style, I hand-paint a palette of colors, using acrylic paints, to match and harmonize with your natural coloration.

Your palette of colors is unique to you, yet it gives us information about your personality and the styles that complement your authentic image.

This diagnosis of color and style is based on the color system introduced by Suzanne Caygill, originator of The Key to Color Harmony.

I studied directly with Suzanne during the years 1982 – 1994, and graduated from her Academy of Color in 1989. I use my training with Suzanne combined with my intuitive skills to develop your palette and provide information on personality and styles for wardrobe and décor.

Are you ready to see your true beauty? I am.

See our Services for fees and descriptions of related services.