Creating a harmony between who you are ... and what you have around you... with color ...that's using your color edge

The Essence of Summer

Summer months bring change ... as the sun beats down, the hues are muted and blended. As the days turn hot and dry, there is an entirely different cast to the flowers that turn away from the sun. Muted colors become grayed as each blends with its complement.

For those who have the subtle shadings of Summer, there is a governing gentleness, which, if identified, becomes the focus of a personality who ives with order: precise, meticulous, and beholden to refinement.

From Suzanne Caygill's Color: The Essence of You

Images of Summer
Summer Women
Marlene Dietrich
Queen Elizabeth II
Joan Fontaine
Greta Garbo
Grace Kelly
Loretta Young
Jaclyn Smith
Darryl Hannah
Princess Di
Jean Houston
Summer Men
Gary Cooper
Bill Clinton
Claude Debussy
Dwight Eisenhower
Leslie Howard
Jack Lemmon
Kevin Costner
Gene Hackman
Wolfgang Mozart
James Stewart
Fred Astaire